
Wohooooo, har fatt en den stora aran att blogga har av Niklas sa tankte ta den! Heter Marcus och ar sjukt sot. Ar pa resa genom sydosasien med min tre vanner och resan startade den 18 sep.

Just nu ar vi pa on Koh Tao som ligger utan for Thailands ostkust. Men var resa borjade i Phuket dar vi tog dykcert hos min van Stephan Caps. Att dyka ar latt de cooooolaste jag gjort, inget slar det! I Phuket sag vi Ping Pong Show, vilket ar jatte stort bara, nagot man maste se innan man dor, hihi.

Efter Phuket bar lasset till Koh Samui som ligger soder om Koh Tao, ocksa pa Thais ostkust. For er ar som nagonsin ska dit sa rekommenderas MINT dar buckets kostar 99 baht och GREEN MANGO ar Koh Samuis stureplan, grymt drag.

Imorgon aker vi bat+buss till Bangkok for att pa lordag flyga till Bali dar jag ska harja i Nirres fotspar.

Hare bra dar hemma, PEAAACE.

DS. Haagge Caps halsaaaaaade!!!!!

What have Fernando Alonso, Mariah Carey and Richard Branson in common?

A busy weekend has come to its end. After three swooshing evenings I can finally withdraw the earplugs as the Formula One Singtel Singapore Grand Prix has come to an end. Fernando Alonso became the lucky winner while the Virgin team of Richard Branson's did not perform as good as expected and Mariah Carey fell when performing, perhaps because of all that extra weight she seemed to be carrying around her belly.

Night race, Singapore Grand Prix

Singapore actually did what it do best. Showing off in front of the world. With lighted skyscrapers, amazing stage performances and a wonderful city atmosphere the Grand Prix cannot be seen as nothing else but a huge sucess. While Missy Elliott and Adam Lambert rocked the grand stage, Sean Kingston and his crew made women underwear flying all over his. The Singapore prime minister (the short and thin haired guy you always see smiling in Sing news) seemed to be very proud when handing over the winner's trophy to Alonso and his mechanic team manager and you could not really notice anything of that serious face he had earlier this month when talking about Singapore's part in the financial crisis.


SingTel grid girls

Me and Pete on race day

After a nice recess week reality suddenly hits you like a KO in a boxing game. Tons of assignments to hand in and loads of texts to rehearse before presentations are parts of the unbecoming truth. However, Friedrich Nietzshe once upon a time expressed,

"For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks".

So it is just to hang in there and perform your best every day. Work hard and reward yourself for doing good, or at least for trying your best. A day will come when life rewards you for being patient and tenacious.
Finally, while yearning for the weekend to come I will just try to do some shotting on my own, the Swedish style...

Tequila suicide by someone's father

Until later! / Nick in Singa




Nick report: That's right Ali, that was Bali!

Back from a wonderful place and I already miss the natives and their laid back everyday mood! If your name is Ali and you are a muslim you do not have a lot to boast now on Bali since it is a major Hindu country. We actually accompanied a new friend of ours to a Hindu temple the last day to prey and honour the Hindu gods since it was Por Nama (full moon). That was a sweet experience! Btw, does anyone know what the procedure is like to become a Swedish citizien? Dedi, in the back of the picture, would be a huge success to a Swedish restaurant and I will definitly look into that when I am back in Swaziland!

Our favourite restaurant in Nusa Dua, Pointe, next to Grand Hyatt. Beautiful place with a lovely work crew!

Me, Pete and AJ next to preying alter

After trying some Jet Ski, snorkling and surfing we went on to try the parasailing. It was a thrilling feeling to take of from ground behind a boat and freely fly across the beach and its surroundings! I just felt a little bit nervous when I almost hit another parasailer but here I am, still alive! :)


The funniest days where those of surfing (but also the most painful!). I have been dreaming nightmares for three nights in a row when I see waves coming towards me, creepy! In the end, I barely made it up to balance a short while on the board just to find myself inside the wave a few seconds later..


And at last, for all of you who are proud of Absolute Vodka for being a international and famous brand! There are several ways to use it, some less honorable then others...

/ Nick (back) in Singa

Premiär i norr!

Haggelito från förorten här för att uppdatera läget i orten. Bloggen behövde lite fler läsare så varför inte skriva om skit som folk älskar? Juste, Hässelbyinnebandy.

Imorgon bär det av mot Sundsvall i en trevlig 5 timmars bussresa med den starka 12 mana truppen och den feta klacken som ska bära fram oss mot en seger mot norrlänningarna. Det kommer bli tufft, vi kommer kanske svettas lite, det kommer bli blod. Men va fan, om ett lag får 500 gånger pengarna på seriesegern så är det bara lägga in ett par tusen, ge allt! Då kanske innebandy kan vara en sport som man kan livnära sig på.
Kriga är något vi från förorten gör varje dag så varför inte imorgon.

Alla som är skadade Kunc, Lidde, Arden och ni andra som har krämpor. Fan ta er i kragen och bli friska!

165 norrland sen hem!

/ Haggelito & my jidder

Bali roundtrip!

Fifth day on Bali and back in Kuta for the second time. We spent the whole day on Kuta beach trying to catch some of those waves, awesome! It looks easier than it actually is! No time to upload photos since we are heading out soon but the pictures will be here... soon..!

We have spent two days on the road with just our backpacks and motorbikes at hand but are now happy to be somewhere safe and crowded. Or at least was that what we thought when we arrived. After one hour in Kuta me and Peter got stoped by the police, for the second(!) time this week. We got fines for both driving without helmet and international driving license.... but we bribed him with some of the Indo gees we had so everything worked out just fine and we could carry on. However, on the road we visited Amed and Tulamben and dived and snorkled around the US liberty shipwreck, that was really cool. We damaged our bikes and made a new friend somewhere in the djungle. Agus (our new friend) invited us to his lovely shed and we shared some strange cake with his mother... See the videoblog from the shed next week! The short version of the trip =)

More will come.. Some pics from google from Kuta beach, Tulamben and Nusa Dua where we are going tomorrow! So loooong people!

/ Nick (supposed to be) in Singa


New blogger: Hecke The meatloaf

So, now I am also able to write in this blog, got a doucy nickname but what the fuck.

Going to Bali for recess week, how nice is that :)

We will try surfing, go scuba diving and snorkling and ofcourse partying for a week. A very well deserved break from school (that we don't take very serious ;)

Back to Singapore the 23 of september to enjoy three days of the Singapore GP.

I'll post some nice photos aswell from Bali.


We go internazionali, we go Bali!

Two more days in school and then I am off to Bali during recess week! I will sure post some amazing pictures by the end of this weekend (hopefully) and by the end of next when we head back to Singapore for Formula 1!

I am just saying... This will be bananas!

Will try to do some stuff on that surf board but I am such a rookie!

The one and only night race during the Formula 1 season! I am so eager to attend that one!

/ Nicka in Singa

Fred Nittsjo's quote!

Life is not a dress rehearsal! Don't hesitate, worry about what others think or worry about making mistakes. Just do what you love and love what you do!

- New slogan of this blog...

Our fellowship will travel the world and explore new cultures...

A good laugh is always to prefer over anything, almost.. Whatever.. Have a look at this, me and some of my friends did some exercise after school! I know, the orange swin pants are a little obscene but just imagine us in something else..

I trust you guys to upload some stuff really sooon....



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