POSTED: 2010-09-28 @ 14:18:04 Comment here (0)
What have Fernando Alonso, Mariah Carey and Richard Branson in common?
A busy weekend has come to its end. After three swooshing evenings I can finally withdraw the earplugs as the Formula One Singtel Singapore Grand Prix has come to an end. Fernando Alonso became the lucky winner while the Virgin team of Richard Branson's did not perform as good as expected and Mariah Carey fell when performing, perhaps because of all that extra weight she seemed to be carrying around her belly.
Singapore actually did what it do best. Showing off in front of the world. With lighted skyscrapers, amazing stage performances and a wonderful city atmosphere the Grand Prix cannot be seen as nothing else but a huge sucess. While Missy Elliott and Adam Lambert rocked the grand stage, Sean Kingston and his crew made women underwear flying all over his. The Singapore prime minister (the short and thin haired guy you always see smiling in Sing news) seemed to be very proud when handing over the winner's trophy to Alonso and his mechanic team manager and you could not really notice anything of that serious face he had earlier this month when talking about Singapore's part in the financial crisis.
Night race, Singapore Grand Prix
Singapore actually did what it do best. Showing off in front of the world. With lighted skyscrapers, amazing stage performances and a wonderful city atmosphere the Grand Prix cannot be seen as nothing else but a huge sucess. While Missy Elliott and Adam Lambert rocked the grand stage, Sean Kingston and his crew made women underwear flying all over his. The Singapore prime minister (the short and thin haired guy you always see smiling in Sing news) seemed to be very proud when handing over the winner's trophy to Alonso and his mechanic team manager and you could not really notice anything of that serious face he had earlier this month when talking about Singapore's part in the financial crisis.
SingTel grid girls

Me and Pete on race day
Finally, while yearning for the weekend to come I will just try to do some shotting on my own, the Swedish style...
Me and Pete on race day
After a nice recess week reality suddenly hits you like a KO in a boxing game. Tons of assignments to hand in and loads of texts to rehearse before presentations are parts of the unbecoming truth. However, Friedrich Nietzshe once upon a time expressed,
"For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks".
So it is just to hang in there and perform your best every day. Work hard and reward yourself for doing good, or at least for trying your best. A day will come when life rewards you for being patient and tenacious.
Tequila suicide by someone's father
Until later! / Nick in Singa